Trademark Services

Trademark Search

It is important to know the possible use of the mark prior to filing a trademark application. A third party may already have registered the mark or has rights to use the mark that you wish to register. Additionally, if search reflects that the mark is already registered, investing in a trademark search will save the trademark filing fees, costs for change of name in brochures, letterheads, etc. This search is an exact match Search for the mark or logo in the particular class of goods. The price can vary based upon which Class is searched.

Trademark Filing

Sumpraxis attorneys will prepare and file your trademark application. Trademark may be filed in various international jurisdictions. We have an established network of trademark attorneys throughout the world and we would be pleased to assist you with the international registration of the trademark.

Trademark Prosecution

Registration of the Trademark in a jurisdiction forms the basis of launching a business. We provide all prosecution services necessary for trademarks, including filing applications, responding to office actions, recording assignments and maintaining registrations.

Trademark Licensing

Sumpraxis Attorneys will help in preparation and finalization of Trademark Licensing Documentation especially keeping in view the quality control needs for the product/services and franchise criteria.